NAAC Accredited at B++ Grade (2.78 Scale) College

Other Committee

Power and function of the Governing Body:

(a) The Governing Body of every college shall be responsible for the proper management of the affairs of the college and may exercise all such powers and functions as may be necessary for the purpose. (b) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Governing Body of a college shall be responsible for ensuring - (i) that review is made of the result of the college and the University examinations and measures are adopted for academic improvement and maintenance of academic standards; (ii) that posts are created and appointments made of the Principal and teachers and other staff in accordance with the provisions of any law or any rules or orders for the time being in force to provide the institutional and other services necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the college; (iii) that the number and qualifications and the method of recruiting the teachers, librarians and non-teaching staff and the conditions of their service are in accordance with the provisions of any law or any rules or orders for the time being in force; (iv) that the laboratory and other instructional facilities available are adequate for the instructional programme; (v) that the buildings in which the college is located are suitable for the purposes for which they are intended and are maintained at a satisfactory state of repair and sanitation; (vi) that the library is properly equipped; (vii) that the financial resources of the college are sufficient to ensure efficient and effective management of the college; (viii) that all information, returns, reports and other materials required by the University, the U.G.C. and the State Government are promptly collected, prepared and made available to the University, the U.G.C. and the State Government; (ix) that all books, registers and accounts required to be maintained are kept upto-date; (x) that due provision is made for the well-being of students, management of their hostels, health, recreation and sports; (xii) that proper assistance and facilities are given to the Inspector of Colleges and other persons appointed by the University for inspection and report; (xiii) that directions issued by the University from time to time are carried out and compliance with them reported speedily to the University; and (xiv) that all properties and funds of the college are properly controlled and administered. (xv) the Governing Body may appoint an Academic Sub-Committee and such other Sub Committees as it may think fit, to advise the Governing Body for the efficient administration of the college. Such Sub-Committees may include teachers of the college who are not members of the Governing Body. The Principal shall ordinarily be the Chairman of the Sub-Committees as may be formed.


The duties and powers of the Committee shall be: 1. To advise the Governing Body on all matters of financial policy and practice, and in particular on the financial implications of proposals under consideration; 2. To verify a statement of accounts for the preceding year and present it to Governing Body; 3. To prepare annual estimates of income and expenditure for the oncoming year and present them to the Governing Body and to monitor these estimates during the year to which they relate; 4. To review each year all charges made by the College; 5. To recommend the G.B. for approval regarding donations for academic and educational purposes. 6. To review the audit report of the college. 7. To note and verify the serial number with money receipt of forms / booklets before and after issuance for the students by convenor / any member of the committee. 8. To verify the salary and other bills above Rs 3000/- [Three thousands] only.


The duties and powers of the Committee shall be 1. To check, verify and prepare the Leave Statement of the staff as per rules and will update them from time to time. 2. The Committee will look after and prepare papers regarding Promotion/ Pay-revision/ Payfixation and other benefits of the staff as per Govt. orders from time to time. 3. The Committee will take proper initiative to prepare the Service Book of all staff and update them from time to time and will prepare the Pension Book of the staff whenever necessary. 4. The Convenor will seek all necessary documents from time to time for proper maintaining of point 1, 2 & 3 above. 5. They will communicate any kind of problems, suggestions, solutions etc. to the G.B. from time to time and seek their valued opinions, if necessary, before execution of the concerned specified problems
